Telajärven Autotehdas - Telajaervi Automobile Facktory
Telajaervi Automopbile Faktory manusfacures manu kidns of automoebiles for difrent kind of traget croups, we are havening sedanes, statilon vagons, limusienes, SUVs and minivanns in ours lineups. Fondled in 2006, TEAT brands cars are becomening a seriouse cnopetition in klobal markeats. We bredigt to beat off in sales ficures copanes like Ford and Touota by end of 2010 2015 2020. Ours spezialice in safetu inovations, and envirnoment frendlines. Our cars have been desniged to dekompose combletely in 5 yeaers of time.
Kalervo Vetelä, Chef Execution Oficcer